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World Hunger Day is more that just a place for recipes we are committed to learning and contributing the art of Gastronomy by making positive impact when where we can. According to the figures released by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization there are an estimated 870 million people out of the 7.1 billion people in the world, or one in eight, suffering from chronic undernourishment. Recent estimates from the World Bank states that 1,345 million poor people in developing countries live on $1.25 a day or less.

For World Hunger day we are taking the challenge to create meals that do not exceed the budget of £1 a day for five days (£1=$1.68=1.23 euros; five days £5=$8.40=6,15 euros). The reality that in every country families are facing with having to provide nutritious meals with severely limited economic resources. Gastronomy is not about excess but instead about making the most out of what food resources are available. We ask everyone to join us in remembering that we are all apart of the global community and have a responsibility to make a positive impact on current and future generations of fellow Gastronomers.

Bon Vivant !

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